roc-a practice exam

ROC A Practice Exam

ROC A Practice Examination

This course is freely available to all students across the world and offers an ROC A Practice Examination for the issuance of a Radio Operator’s Certificate – Aeronautical. The exam features 25 multiple choice questions which would be presented in the same way as on a real ROC-A radio exam.

Once students have completed the ROC-A practice examination, they can book a real exam with our ISED Government approved examiner for a low fee. We charge a low fee for administering the exam to students in Canada.

This aviation radio practice examination is a great study tool for student pilots, drone operators, pilots conducting license conversions in Canada, dispatchers, and airport staff in remote areas of Canada. The radio operator test questions you see in this exam are very similar to what you will find for the real ROC-A exam.

Student pilots who are preparing for the solo phase of the flight training should register for our FREE PSTAR preparation course.

How many questions are on the ROC A exam?

There are 25 questions on the official ROC A exam.

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